Thursday, April 1, 2010

Final Exams are Over!

We had our fourth and final exam this morning, Marketing, and now we are running free toward four and half days of Easter break. The marketing exam was a case study, and a long one at that, based in 1992, about Colgate's launch of the Precision tootbrush in early 1993, with 10+ pages of dense text and another 8 pages of charts and graphs. Most of us spent 2 hours or more just reading and wading through the information, then had to write a full scale Marketing Plan, including financial numbers, in the remaining 2 hours.  We had to decide how Colgate should position the toothbrush against the other players in the market. 

Monday night I had an unlucky bout with food poisoning that left me feeling unbelievably sick Tuesday and Wednesday for the Operations and Finance tests. For the Marketing exam I was back to about 80%, but still felt quite light-headed from the deficit of food and water. Luckily, the worst case scenario is that even if I did terribly on one or more of the exams, I just have to study the material more and re-take the test. The point is to learn the material, not to dish out bad grades.

But all of that can wait for a few days, because I'm off to Budapest! It will be my first time to Hungary, and I've heard so many great things about Budapest that I can't wait to see it for myself. Tonight I'll stay with friends in Geneva so I can catch the 8am flight Friday morning. I hope that after the diet of apple juice, Gatorade, and bread that I've had in the last 3 days I hope I'll be recovered enough to do lots of sightseeing, sample the food, and enjoy the time off.


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