Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day Trip to Montreux, Switzerland

The second-to-last Sunday of February Roberto and I got out of Lausanne for a couple of hours and headed to Montreux, a small town about 20 minutes train ride away.  It was the warmest day we'd had so far this year, and the sun on my face felt fantastic after 2 long months of cloudy, cold, snowy weather.  The snow from January turned into rain, and the air changed from cold and dry to the wonderful damp smell of spring. My Saturday had been taken up mostly with homework and groupwork, from 9:30 am - 10pm with a 3 hour break in the middle to run errands in town. Sunday morning I got up at 8:30am, worked for 4 hours, then headed to the train station.  The blue sky, warm sun, temperatures that passed 10 C, and seeing a bit of the outside world lifted my spirits and cleared my head. When I came back that evening I was motivated to head to the gym before launching back into more homework.

1 comment:

Karunya said...

Nice pics!! Looking forward to more blogposts from you.