Friday, February 12, 2010

Fun Times in Lausanne

Much to my surprise we've had regular opportunities to socialize.  Mostly on the weekends of course, but usually at least once per week the courseload is slow enough to allow us to head for a drink on our way home from school, usually on a night when we've just had a presentation.  George's apartment was even big enough to host a houseparty.  Here are some of the highlights.  I promise I'm working hard.

Ashish (India), Tanveer (Pakistan), Ajit (India)

The White Horse

Celebrating the end of a project.

From the party at George's house.

Roberto (Peru) teaching me salsa.

Me, David (Czech Republic), Roberto (Peru)

Girls Night Out

Vamshi and Rachna (both Indian)

Bei (China) and Ley Hoon (Singapore)

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